joi, 10 iulie 2014

NOTD: Crush on You

Avand in vedere ca v-am aratat doua oje texturate recent, sa mergem mai departe cu aceasta moda si sa va arat cea mai noua membra a colectiei mele: Miss Sporty Crush on You in nuanta 063 Red Fusion.

Since I recently showed you two sand type nail polished, let's go on with this trend and let me show you the newest addition to my collection: Miss Sporty Crush on You in the shade 063 Red Fusion.

Oja face parte din colectia lor 3D Texturata.
Am fost atrasa imediat de nuanta si imi aduce aminte de Zoya Pixie Dust in nuanta Destiny.

The nail polish is part of their new 3D Texture collection. 
I was instantly drawn by the shade and it even reminds me a little bit of Zoya Pixie Dust in Destiny.

Oja se aplica usor datorita pensulei late. Acoperirea perfecta se obtine prin aplicarea a doua straturi.
The nail polish applies easily due to the fat brush.The perfect coverage is obtain by applying two coats.
Este plina de particule fine de sclipici rosu, portocaliu si argintiu. Iubesc aceasta culoare.
It is full of sparkly fine red, orange and silver glitter. I love the color.

Lumina artificiala:
Artificial light:

See U Soon!